Sunday, July 29, 2007



At one moment you are so happy
'n at other so sad...
At one moment you feel the whole world is with you
'n at other you are the lonely one. happens all the time

You love someone and at other he leaves you...
At one moment the waves touch the river shore wid happiness and at other leaves it with left overs..
At one moment when it rains every flower blossom and after rain its so muddy everywhere..

We have smile at one moemnt and frown at other...

one moment when you think from heart you find yourself on cloud nine and at other when you think from mind you are actually down the earth...

I usually use to find answers to all these questions and its not me generally everone searches for the answer of these and many more questions when he or she is sad..Finally i found an answer ...

If sun will shine everytime then it will be too hot similarly if happiness will always be there we will not value it..happiness will loose its value....
when one leaves you its actually start of a new begining...

Just a liner to ponder upon...

"One sad thing open many doors to happiness....[:)]"

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Launching the repository 'She' - Episode 1

After long, i am have a bag of mixed feelings have lotta to write about...but which one to start first...
After 5 odd years i am again writing about 'She'...


She has seen many ups and downs in her life..

Now, she is torn, so much torn that now her legs are shakin' , her hands are trembling...but then to till her last breath she will fight every storm.

Her fight is not for herself, its for someone's else well fare.

Her soul is bulleted many times...her heart is broken meantime's not by others but by her loved ones, but then too she fights for them....

each time when it is questioned "Why"? she is mum...'n i reckon' that unsaid word..."LOVE"

Her soul is raped lotta she has become a stone..but like mighty Ganges she is soft and pure ...
cont'd in next blog...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

An unparallel beauty....

Did somebody ever found difference between dawn and dusk ?
Dawn 'n dusk both are pleasant..

can you feel chirping of birds...
can you hear the west wind...
can you feel the unsaid emotions of leaves...when they dance
can u listen the song of river..when it strikes the stone bed...

An unparalleled comparison but then too same...

One is ending and other is beginning..
ending of a bad leading to beginning of a good
beginning of a bad 'n ending of a good...

isn't it confused like our life...
but then too its pleasant...

Mother nature speaks many truths of life....the untold truth..of dawn and dusk...

the un ravel mysteries.....the beginnig of a new era,...

indian mythology compare it as's ending(dusk) as ending of god's period and beginning of demons...

but it can be otherwise...

have u ever seen a smile on a child's face at dusk when his parents return...when he goes out to play in a graden with his friends...when he takes a pocket money to have an icecream or a bhutaa(corn)..
Have you seen a child weeping in morning when he has to wake up early and go to school....when he has to take bathe...and finish the breakfast...and take a heavy bag on his tender shoulders...

The beauty lies in your eyes..the attitude lies in your heart...the believe lies in your veins...both are same..both have its own unparallel beauty...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Welcome to my world...


They say....
"You cannot make impossible things possible in your life..miracles don't happen.."

I say...

"There is always a silver lining in dark clouds, you just need to search that ray of hope..and miracles will follow themselves and impossible will be possible..."

Welcome to my world!!!